ASDS not only sells Act! but we have been a faithful desktop user since the product was launched. Recently we converted to Act! Premium Cloud. Initially we had the same reservations as our own clients. uptime, security, functionality. Now that we have been on the product for a few months, I have to say the benefits far outweigh any reservations we may have had.

As a user and administrator it is so easy!! I can get to our data from anywhere, and remain productive wherever I happen to be. Top reasons to do this:

  1. Extremely Flexible: You can use on Windows, Web, or both. If you have a new user, you don’t have to install Act! anymore, it is so simple to add people. Users can work on the platform they like PC or Mac. Mobility – Act! Premium Cloud Mobile is included at no charge and it doesn’t matter if you are an Apple or an Android user!
  2. API functionality works like a charm. This allows you to use Act! Marketing Automation without any hiccups!
  3. Offsite backup, enhanced security and maintenance. You don’t have to worry about backups, upgrades or maintenance, it is all taken care of for you. The reality is that Act! Premium Cloud is more secure than most users current setups. Hardware and software gets outdated so fast in today’s world. Now you don’t have to care about SQL versions!
  4. Money – Act! Premium Desktop is now $468.00 per user per year. Compare this with Act! Premium Cloud at only $360.00 per user per year – this includes hosting, backups, and now Act! Premium Cloud Mobile.

The time is now, make the move to Act! Premium Cloud!